The App Store Needs to Go Corporate

The iPhone broke open the world of mobile computing in ways that earlier so-called smart phones managed with only a fraction of their customers. While it was theoretically possible to use a browser on other phones, many of us (my geeky self included) never bothered to figure out how. The iPhone changed all that, and Android phones have successfully followed.

Apple employee shows iPad 2 in Chicago

I look stuff up on my phone all the time. Usually it’s a movie title I can’t remember, as opposed to some intellectual tidbit or research for a client, but nonetheless, I use the computer part of my phone habitually now. I’m clearly not alone. It wasn’t too long after the introduction of the iPhone, and again following the introduction of the iPad, where my clients would look wistfully at me and ask, “How can this help my business?” While everyone can sense the promise of mobile computing, unlocking its power has eluded many businesses.

To understand the reasons for this, I think it’s important to consider why the iPhone and iPad have been such a success. Not only do they combine a great user interface with a screen capable of displaying web pages in a reasonable manner, there’s a one-stop-shop for software (and another for music and movies). I think the App Store has as much to do with the iPhone/iPad success as the design of the devices themselves. (And, as an aside, it’s my opinion that the fragmented stores on the Android platform will be a thorn in Google’s side and competitive advantage for Apple.)

Without the App Store, we’d just have a phone connected to a web browser. Imagine what your iPhone would be like without the ten or twenty or fifty apps you’ve installed. Apple gave consumers a direct conduit to the great work of thousands of third party developers; all three — developers, consumers, and Apple — have profited well from it. I don’t begrudge Apple’s commission one bit.

Now extend this to the corporate world… oh, wait… you can’t.

If a company develops a mobile application, they are often faced with the challenge of getting it deployed onto phones. They either need to develop it on the shoulders of an existing technology — FileMaker Go is an excellent example where developers may create data files that are then read by the app — or posting it, usually for free with a secure login, on the public App Store.

We at Soliant Consulting have developed apps using both strategies and neither is perfect. It’s awkward at best to post an app on the public App Store and say in the description, “gosh, don’t use this unless you’re an Acme Company employee”, and at times companies may not want to build an app on a proprietary platform such as FileMaker.

Imagine a world in which a company could create its own App Store. Apple has done this in some select cases with strategic partners, but I’m talking about every company getting their own store where not only can employees download applications, but internal teams can easily post them as well. Not only would this solve a critical deployment problem — corporate employees would easily be able to download corporate applications — but consider the real strength of the iOS platform: it opens a world of third party developers to their users.

Software tools could be invented, shared, and distributed in as easy a manner as buying a song from iTunes. Imagine if your accounting department created a handy expense tool and posted it on the Company Store. Or your marketing department posted the latest PDFs of your product line. This is where the power of mobile devices is unlocked. I can see where Apple may not have a direct economic incentive. These apps, by definition, would have to be free within a company, but perhaps Apple could charge for the creation of a store?

Surely there are enough smart folks in Cupertino to figure out how to monetize something of such obvious usefulness. So come on, Apple. Give us all the more reason to buy iPads: we need a means of sharing the custom apps we’ve built for our clients.

6 thoughts on “The App Store Needs to Go Corporate”

  1. Jeremiah Small

    Interesting idea. Maybe it’s still the App store, but supports “group” accounts (company, school, club, etc) where the company can pre-buy approved apps for the members (FileMaker Go, Omni-whatever, and other expensive specialty commercial apps for example). I suspect a big-ish hurdle currently is the fact that you have to buy apps through your personal account and then maybe expense it if it’s “approved” as a work app. This is trickier for $50+ apps.

    And once there was a concept of a private groups on the store, then maybe it would not be such a big stride to support private specialized apps, written and deployed by the company, but more like an easy way to provision development software (which is kind of a big headache currently).

  2. Company App Store – that’s a neat idea!

    Not only for internal apps but also for 3rd party apps – as Jeremiah suggests.
    Another issue is that there is no way to buy an app for the company. When an employee quits, he takes his apps away with him and you have to re-buy them for his successor.

    We have a client that is considering buying hundreds of iPhones for their employees. And the fact they cannot easily buy and manage app licenses may be the only (but strong enough) reason to abandon that idea.

  3. I like the idea. I think it would be really cool if you could push applications to a phone with existing connections. In the corporate world it’s hard to think of a smart phone that is not hooked up to a exchange server. Think about how cool it would be if the right applications could be pushed right to your phone from the exchange server just like security policies are pushed today.

  4. Hmm,

    I find it strange that Apple either ignored this facet of licensing, or just didn’t think about it. I guess it’s time to take the I- out of the product line and replace it with WE. It will boil down to a revisit on app licensing if they can quantify a big enough loss…


  5. Unfortunately, for many cloud computing platforms the car example you give doesnΓÇÖt calculate. If you see a car as a means to an end, and all of you care about is getting there, then you need an application platform like GoogleΓÇÖs AppEngine. Here you simply add an application, and the rest is dealt with. If on the other hand you run ec2, youΓÇÖre no longer thinking about hardware, but still about instances and virtual servers. Every one of them run OSΓÇÖs that need to be maintained; itΓÇÖs like taking taxiΓÇÖs but still having to know everything about the taxiΓÇÖs engines. I predict that later on weΓÇÖll move towards AppEngine like models or ΓÇÿmanaged cloudsΓÇÖ.

  6. Has anyone discussed this with FMP and tried to get some sort of volume license and\or corporate discount? I really like the group\company app store.

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