Blog – Salesforce
Insights and Ideas from Our Team
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Marketing Automation in a Nutshell
Marketing Automation summarized — move from the broadcast model of marketing to the dialogue model. Listen to your customer and let them guide you.
Adding Extra Power to Your Visual Flows
In this post Damien shows you the power of Visual Flows and how they can successfully interact with code. This will help replace some of the Standard Development cycle resulting in decreased writing of unit tests, reduced workload, and faster deployment time.
Stylish Spreadsheets From a Salesforce Visualforce Page
This post shows that spreadsheets exported from Salesforce don’t have to look horrible. Using spreadsheetML, you can apply a variety of styles direct from the Salesforce export.
Lessons of the Palm Pilot
The lessons of Palm Pilot’s simplicity and clarity of purpose still resonate with mobile designers and the user experience of contemporary smartphones.
What can we do with Chatter?
Chatter is for more than just creating a post on a record. Find out more in Taylor’s exploration into the many features of Chatter.
Pitfalls in Flat Design, or “That Field” I Always Forget
Flat designs — and other forms of minimalism also very popular at present — look very pretty, very modern, but sometimes go too far in stripping away design elements.
AngularJS and Salesforce Lightning Design System – Part 2
Learn how to create an application that will retrieve 10 Accounts owned by the current user from our org and display them in a table.
AngularJS and Salesforce Lightning Design System – Part 1
In the first post in this series, Krystian explores how to build Visualforce pages with the use of AngularJS and Salesforce Lightning Design components.
The Economy of the Cloud
A walk in the Cloud: how cloud technologies have affected the economy. At Soliant we’re always interested in how the world of technology is evolving. Take a look at how cloud computing has grown and is driving business today.
Don’t Lose Your Salesforce Certification
After you’ve received your Salesforce certification(s), it’s important to maintain them. Read our quick recap of what to keep in mind for maintenance exams.