Simplifying Website User Management by Integrating with Salesforce CRM

Salesforce CRM is often used to capture Leads through Web-to-Lead forms embedded on a website. On the surface, this is a solid approach for collecting prospective client information and makes your website user database an untapped source of customer data. Web platforms like WordPress and Drupal even offer native tools to manage your users from registration approval to welcome emails.

This has been the standard for decades, but this often delegates user management to web administrators. If you want to leverage this data further, you have a lot of manual work ahead of you. This creates major roadblocks and puts your data at risk for being mishandled. Fortunately, there’s a better, more streamlined way to do this.

Automate Your Workflows

If your website allows visitors to register and create a profile, you can set up a Web User Management integration. This stores users as Contacts in Salesforce and allows you to manage the entire User Lifecyle in your CRM. Salesforce can handle complex user management work flows, including user registration approval, automated welcome emails, and marketing campaigns.

Improve Customer Service

A Web User Management integration with Salesforce enhances customer service and user engagement too. Your Sales and Customer Service teams gain visibility into all the ways you engage your user base, resulting in a true 360° view of your customers. You can also store User Profile Data in custom fields on Salesforce Contact records. This enables marketing teams to create more targeted campaigns and communications based on user profile data.

Drive Insightful Reporting

Salesforce’s robust reporting capabilities allows your CRM team to create reports and dashboards based on user profiles and internal data. You can easily report on user demographic data, user base growth, and web usage statistics. You can even combine user profile and sales or customer service data in the same reports. These tools provide invaluable insights into your customers and their web presence, empowering you to craft stronger business and technology strategies.

If you’re currently managing web users separately from your Salesforce CRM, you’ll find many advantages in a centralized, integrated process. Through a Web User Management integration with Salesforce, you can gain efficiencies in user management, develop more insight into your customer and user base, and drive more efficient customer service, sales, and marketing efforts.

Launch Your Web User Management Integration

My team and I have helped many organizations connect their websites to their Salesforce orgs. If you’d like help on making this transition, please contact us today.

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