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FMProxy HTML Form Example
Check out this very simple proxy.php illustration of the power of FMProxy written especially to get developers up to speed.
How to Define a RemoteObject in Actionscript
For the project I have been recently working on, I wanted to define a set of services in ActionScript that I could use to communicate via AMF to PHP. It turns out that this technique is not well documented around the web. Here’s how I did it. Important: This example uses Flex 4. You will…
User Experience Matters
Find this discussion on how important it is to consistently consult your software users in the development process and what not doing so can cost you.
Hey, Do You Guys Do Agile?
Learn about the key principles of agile development used for planning and maintaining focus during construction of large projects.
When to not use FileMaker Evaluate()
Read about what to consider and our suggested best practice for Evaluate as a FileMaker expression from certified FileMaker developers.
Tricks from the Command Line: xsltproc and xmllint
Find useful tips and tricks such as command-line utility, ‘xsltproc’, to run XSLT programs quickly when testing in FileMaker.
Loose Coupling in FileMaker Development
Check out this discussion on context-independence and what to consider when writing loose coupling FileMaker scripting patterns.
How to Use Local OS Accounts for FileMaker External Authentication
Learn how to how to implement FileMaker External Authentication with no domain on non-server OS from our team of FileMaker experts.
Salesforce dot what, now?
So, rapid application development. In our space at least, it’s all about time to features. Not time to market, or return on investment, or any fuzzier metric, but simply; I need a feature, how long will it take? (And how much will it cost). Over here at Soliant we do business apps, meanings apps for…
Best Practices for Self-Organizing Teams in Agile
How realistic are self-organizing teams in agile? How do they function? Check out our team’s best practices, which stem from our own experience.
FileMaker Developer Conference 2007
Find the sessions from the Soliant Consulting team that you can find at the FileMaker Developer Conference including those from Steve Lane and Lee Lukehart.
Build Powerful User Navigation Using Abstracted API
The attached file demonstrates how to build a navigation into FileMaker Pro using a set of custom XML functions that roughly model XPATH commands.