Salesforce is putting even more power into the hands of its users through its new suite of “my” tools – myLightning, mySalesforce, myEinstein, and myTrailhead.
Announced at Dreamforce 2017, this functionality allows users to make their platforms their own, from branded dashboards to customized applications.
Let’s take a closer look.
Free for Salesforce users and available in early 2018, myLightning empowers you to brand your Salesforce org. You can change your brand image, colors, page background image, and more. Choose from built-in themes or create nearly 300 custom themes, and implement your changes in just a few clicks! Consider how this will increase user engagement, gather input from your team, and customize accordingly.
You can even use these themes and style changes to excite team members about organizational changes, such as a product launch or location opening.

As the name suggests, myLightning is available in Lightning only.
Salesforce is now delivering the ability to create your own custom Salesforce mobile apps. The new Salesforce Lightning App Builder drives a faster and easier process than creating a native application the old-fashioned way.
You can even publish your application in Google Play and Apple stores, and Salesforce helps you navigate the complicated approval process within them. The “Listing Wizard” feature tests and configures your application for you, helping you avoid the dreaded rejection-and-relist cycle..
If you’re trying to increase your audiences or engage users in a new way, I recommend you review this opportunity for your organization.
NOTE: This is separate from the general “Salesforce 1” application functionality.
Salesforce just makes AI easier and easier to leverage and manipulate. With myEinstein, you can create point and click AI modeling. You can use this AI on any Salesforce field or object (native or custom).
AI has so many potential applications – how one organization uses it could vary wildly to the next, so here’s an example to get you thinking: Universities can build an AI model to predict which student applicants are least likely to commit to the school and pursue their higher education elsewhere. Using this information, recruiters can both double-down on the pursuit of these applicants through increased marketing and outreach and determine potential “reasons for lack of interest” for further analysis.
AI modeling may sound daunting, but the Einstein product is all about simplifying that process. The platform provides an intuitive setup guide to help you build, train, and deploy new AI models on the platform. You can even embed the AI directly into your Salesforce workflow.
Like all Einstein products, these models are self-learning and improve the more they are used, so they’re a great investment for your organization.
Another great use for myEinstein is to create custom chatbots to handle customer service issues quickly and effectively. These bots pull insights from your customer service data to solve common issues (such as a password reset) but can escalate issues seamlessly to live customer service reps when necessary. This frees up your team to focus on more complex issues and boosts productivity as well as customer satisfaction.
Trailhead has already revolutionized getting your customers and users trained on Salesforce functionality and best practices, but it gets even better with myTrailhead. Using these tools, businesses can build their own branded Trailhead platform with customized challenges, modules, and badges. This will transform Salesforce adoption and internal training initiatives for companies.
Users can enjoy a more engaging process for onboarding new team members and enabling new skills for existing ones. They can create FAQs, slide decks, and manuals and can even use the “Trail Maker” setup tool to create private content for specific user groups. This would come in handy for groups handling sensitive information. In fact, a new tool called “Trail Mixer” allows you blend your private content with Salesforce content, giving you the best of both worlds.
myTrailhead also draws upon all existing public Trailhead content. This delivers basic Salesforce skills training for end users without having to create everything from scratch. I recommend taking a closer look at this suite of tools.
Check out these additional myTrailhead features:
- You can also view any employee’s “Trailhead Profile” to incentivize employees to continue to build their skillset or search for employees with specific training/skills when you need to start a new project.
- The “Trail Tracker” tool drives a community of learning by allowing employees to keep track of one other and compete by way of a public leaderboard, gamifying the Trailhead experience.
- With “Trail Checker” you can build interactive assessments using stand-and-deliver assessment tools, quizzes, and other hands on challenges, further encouraging learning.

Moving Forward with New Salesforce Tools
One of the greatest benefits of leveraging Salesforce for your team is the platform’s dedication to responding to customer feedback with consistently-added new features. My team and I are excited to help our clients on customize and take charge of their dashboards and ecosystems using the new myLightning, myEinstein, mySalesforce, and myTrailhead tools. We’re looking forward to sharing our stories on those applications as we do so.
If you have any questions or are looking for a Salesforce customization partner, our team could be a fit for your needs. Contact us today to discuss your solution.