fmDotNet Updated for the New Data API in FileMaker Server 18

fmDotNet is one of my pet projects, something that I created when the XML API was first introduced to counter the emphasis that was placed at the time on the PHP API. Since I dabble in .NET I wanted to have something out there that showed that PHP was not the only technology that could be used to integrate with FileMaker apps.

When FileMaker 16 introduced the Data API, I created a new version that used it and updated this version when FileMaker 17 launched. It is time to update it yet again to include the many interesting Data API additions that allow us to retrieve meta-data (layout names, script names, value lists,…) and run scripts directly without any other query.

If you want to use fmDotNet in your .NET projects, then the easiest way to get is to add it as a Nuget package in your project:

Screenshot of adding fmDotNet as a Nuget package

If you are interested in the source code and how to interact with the raw Data API from .NET then you can download the full source code on GitHub:

Feel free to leave comments on or, or here on this blog post.


6 thoughts on “fmDotNet Updated for the New Data API in FileMaker Server 18”

  1. Hi Wim,
    I had used fmdotnet with FileMaker Server 16 in the past and seem s to work fine.
    I now want to use the same code for FileMaker Server 18 and it stopped working, it could not see the the sample file “Inventory_demo_fmDotNet”, any idea?
    Please help.
    Kind Regards

    1. Hi Lamine, the old fmDotNet uses the XML API which needs to be explicitly enabled in FMS17 and 18 and you can only use the Admin API or the CLI to enable it. There is an updated fmDotNet specifically to use the Data API that was introduced in FMS16: and it has a demo app with a branch for FMS18 (since the Data API is subtly different between FMS17 and 18):

    1. Hi Enrico,
      Yes, the wrapper will be updated. There aren’t any significant changes so you should be ok using it as-is; but I will ‘officially’ update the repo to mark it compatible with 19.
      Best regards,

  2. Hi Wim,
    I see that, using cwp xml, with fmdotnet, I can’t use email addresses as userID because the @ is not accepted. Is this true?


    1. Hi Enrico,
      Have you tried hitting the XML API directly using an email address as the username? That would tell us whether it is in the XML API or in fmDotNet and can be fixed there.

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