Blog – FileMaker
Insights and Ideas from Our Team
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FileMaker & Snow Leopard (Mac OSX 10.6)
Take a minute to explore what you need to be aware of when updating to OS X 10.6, regarding its compatibility with FileMaker.
Who should do the estimating?
Check out best practices for estimating tasks and creating the work breakdown structure for a project from experienced developers.
When FM Scripts Are Faster Than PHP for Custom Web Publishing
Yes, there are times when FileMaker scripts can provide a huge speed improvement over equivalent logic in PHP. Learn about them here.
Caution When Using Script Triggers
Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should. Check out our suggested considerations for using highly anticipated Script Triggers in FileMaker.
Data Viewer won’t display script variables if opened after script start
Did you know that Data Viewer won’t display script variables if opened after script start? Here’s how to avoid this issue in your FileMaker solution.
Archiving Data Using FM10 Server Importing and Exporting
Do you have a client that has a huge database and a hard time letting go of old data? Don’t delete it – archive it and increase the database performance.
Use New Windows to Preserve State
Learn to preserve a user’s state by using a pragmatic design approach and; leveraging new windows, from certified developers in FileMaker.
Lose a Layout, Gain a Function
Find out how FieldNames, an obscure but useful feature, can get even more functionality out of your FileMaker solution from certified developers.
Burndowns considered harmful?
If you’re a project manager, you constantly look for the perfect way to report on project progress. Consider this discussion when weighing the options.
The Disempowered Project Manager
Empower project managers when working with decision makers on software projects by taking strategic steps to gathering essential information.