Blog – FileMaker
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What Prototyping Tool Should I Use?
Combine Existing PDFs in FileMaker Using AppleScript
When creating a PDF from FileMaker you have the ability to append your new PDF onto an existing PDF. This feature was introduced in FileMaker 8, and is extremely helpful. However, what if you have 2 (or more) existing PDFs that you need to combine? What if you want the first PDF to be generated from FileMaker,…
Quickly Find Unstored Calcs and Summary Fields
Certain types of fields, like unstored calculation and summary fields, can really slow down a solution, especially if they are used on layouts that are primarily accessed in list or table view. It’s not uncommon to come across list layouts in inherited solutions – files which you are maintaining but were originally developed by someone…
The User is Not Always Right
Test Data Generator
Manual Entry of Test Data Discourages Testing When testing the functionality of a solution, software developers frequently have to create test records, which requires them to enter in test data. If the fields requiring a value include a name field, I’m good to go for about 5-6 records, until I exhaust the ‘first name’ supply…
FileMaker 14 Script Triggers
When disk space is not disk space…
A strange question pops up on the various FileMaker forums from time to time and it goes like this: “How can I exclude my externally stored container content from a backup run?” The reason behind the question is usually a concern for the amount of disk space that is required for the backup. Say that…
Extending Webdirect: Automatically Zip Container Fields
In FileMaker, container fields are super handy. Combined with some database structure, they make it easy to associate multiple stored files with a single record. Even better, container fields are supported in WebDirect. Read more to see how to automatically zip container data and serve it directly to your clients.