FileMaker Software as a Service (SaaS)

FileMaker Pro is well-known as a desktop application and is making great strides in expanding its market in mobile and web with FileMaker Go and WebDirect. Traditionally, it has been viewed as a Rapid Application Development (RAD) platform for use in On-Premises deployments. However, that view is changing.

I found this unattributed image online and thought it fit with my team’s services. I really like the succinct way of explaining these different concepts.

Illustration of services

I’d like to expand on the ideas presented in this visual.

On-Prem FileMaker

On-Prem refers to a locally hosted server in an office setup, on which users can access the locally hosted application server. Having a local, easily-developed application has many advantages if your users access it at the office and you can architect your networking to provide outside access. This strategy has served as the old standby for years, especially when internet costs were much higher 10+ years ago.

As the landscape has continued to evolve with agile flex space allowing companies to remain competitive, FileMaker has also expanded with continual network improvement and different access methods.

FileMaker Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

With options such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) providing a pay-for-what-you-use infrastructure on demand, FileMaker can play an important part of your company’s growing cloud strategy.

Of course, you still have the consideration of configuring and developing your solutions, just like you would have when hosting on premises.

FileMaker Platform as a Service (PaaS)

If you adopt hosting services like® or FileMaker Cloud, you essentially have Platform as a Service. PaaS serves up all the FileMaker goodness and removes infrastructure concerns. You no longer need to configure or provision machines to host your solutions and can instead concentrate on solution development.

FileMaker Software as a Service (SaaS)

Finally, by combining professional development services with our FileMaker hosting services, you effectively have your very own custom Software as a Service. Plus, you have a few extra perks — normally with SaaS, you have limited options in customization, but with FileMaker, you can tailor your solution to fit your exact business needs.

Soliant Consulting + = SaaS

For more information about transforming your FileMaker solution into a truly custom application for your business, contact my team and me today.

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