FileMaker 12 – Learn about ExecuteSQL

If you’ve been working with FileMaker 12, you have likely heard about the new ExecuteSQL feature that allows you to use SQL to query your FileMaker tables from the calculation engine. There are some great resources that showcase how to use the function, but there is no guide available to developers as of yet. To aide in learning more about the feature, and how to use it, here are some resources that I’ve gathered from various members of the community that you may find helpful:

  1. FileMaker 12 Help:
  2. FileMaker 12 ODBC/JDBC Guide:
  3. Greg Lane (Skeleton Key) webcast:
  4. FileMaker Hacks website by Kevin Frank:
  5. Seedcode’s SQLExplorer:
  6. Brian Schick (Beezwax) blogpost on designing and formatting ExecuteSQL queries:

These are just a few of the many great websites and blog posts available.

4 thoughts on “FileMaker 12 – Learn about ExecuteSQL”

  1. We’ve only been live on FM12 for a few days at a manufacturing plant with over 50 users. A lot of our daabstae users have noticed the major change in refreshing screens. If someone enters data into a pre existing record, no one else can see that change unless we implement a ONTIME SCHEDULE Script to refresh the data for each of those users. We now have to rewrite most of our daabstaes because of this inherent flaw in FM12 Server/Pro. I would love to find a better work around for this. I understand this might be for the sake of mobile clients, but it is very annoying to find this out after converting to FM12. I wish I could go back to FM11 without giving up another weekend of converting all the daabstae files. Also, Filemaker Server is not cleaning up disconnected clients. One of our mobile users uses up to 9 clients per user because Filemaker Server doesn’t clean up their old sessions. We are constantly running out of users now, and I have doubled the number. Disconnecting idle sessions doesn’t work as it is intended either, because I set those daabstaes and users to be disconnected after an hour of inactivity, but they still remain as filemaker server clients until I disconnect them using the filemaker server manager. I would really like some help with both of these issues.

  2. Hi Julia..

    The issues you describe could be caused by a number of factors, but require more discussion about your specific application and deployment strategies. It’s unusual that you would need to create an OnTimer script to commit data as your solution seems to require and I’d be interested in seeing how that area of the application is architected and supported by the underlying data model. We can certainly assist you with understanding what’s going on and putting together a strategy for resolving these problems. You can reach me at 650-340-4317 or you can call the office closest to you as listed on our contact page.


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