6 Tips for AWS Cost Optimization

Cost optimization is a top priority for many AWS users. AWS offers cost-effective solutions to fit the needs of all businesses, regardless of size or industry. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your AWS usage while keeping costs low:

1. Right-Size Your Resources

One way to reduce AWS costs is to make sure you’re using the right-sized resources for your AWS environment. AWS offers a wide range of services, from entry-level virtual machines to powerful enterprise computing platforms. It is important to select the appropriate AWS solution based on your needs and budget.

2. Utilize AWS Discounts

AWS offers various discounts and promotional offers to help customers save money. AWS has both long-term and short-term payment options, including “Reserved Instances,” which can provide a substantial discount on AWS resources used over extended periods of time.

3. Monitor Utilization

AWS users should monitor their resource utilization to ensure that they are using the AWS services they need when they need them. This will help to ensure that resources are not being used unnecessarily and help AWS customers achieve greater cost efficiency. AWS Cost Explorer and AWS Budgets are two good tools available to keep track of your costs in AWS.

4. Utilize AWS Automation

AWS users can take advantage of a wide range of automation tools available to optimize AWS usage and reduce costs. AWS auto-scaling and AWS CloudWatch are two popular AWS automation services that help users automatically monitor and scale their AWS usage based on the business’s needs.

5. AWS Marketplace

AWS customers can purchase third-party software, services, and solutions from AWS Marketplace, which offers competitive pricing for AWS users. AWS customers can also save money by leveraging AWS’s free tools, such as AWS Elastic Beanstalk, to deploy and manage their applications in the cloud.

6. Work with a Trusted Partner

AWS Partners can provide guidance based on extensive experience, as well as their own investments into AWS products and services. Soliant has invested heavily into our relationship with AWS to provide cost savings via our own MSP as well as AWS’s cost reduction programs targeted towards end users’ first onboarding into the cloud. Solutions from our team of AWS Certified Architects will help your business optimize AWS and reduce costs at the same time.

These are just a few tips to help AWS customers optimize their costs and get the most out of AWS cloud computing. With careful planning and monitoring, AWS users can ensure they are using AWS efficiently and cost-effectively.

Contact our AWS team to learn more.

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