Blog – Applications
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ZF3 – Zend Framework 3.0 Released
With the official release today of ZF3 (Zend Framework 3.0), you may be wondering what that means for projects under maintenance, development, and planning. Here is a brief digest of what the release of ZF3 means in practical terms.
The Right Architecture for the Right Size
Selecting software architecture has non-trivial implications for organizations. Picking the wrong one can often generate additional costs and add complexity which could be avoided otherwise.
What’s Your Code Tolerance? A Discussion of Peer Code Review
Thanks to feature rich SCM software like GitHub it’s now easier than ever to implement peer code reviewing. Changing your code tolerance during peer code reviews can save your project budget.
Refactoring ZF2 ServiceLocatorAwareInterface with PhpStorm
If you’re getting messages about the ServiceLocatorAwareInterface being deprecated, it’s like a sign from a power above (in this case Zend Framework) that you need to be thinking about refactoring your code.
Lessons Learned Migrating Zend Framework 1 to 2
Reflecting on the lessons learned when migrating Zend Framework (ZF1 to ZF2) for a complex global web application.
Lessons of the Palm Pilot
The lessons of Palm Pilot’s simplicity and clarity of purpose still resonate with mobile designers and the user experience of contemporary smartphones.
Composer Autoload Error: Module Could Not Be Initialized
See the simple solution if you receive an initialization error when trying to rebase your work onto a new module.
Pitfalls in Flat Design, or “That Field” I Always Forget
Flat designs — and other forms of minimalism also very popular at present — look very pretty, very modern, but sometimes go too far in stripping away design elements.
Git Push: May The Force Be With You
If you have pushed changes to a remote, and subsequently amended or rebased, you will need to replace old commit(s) with your new one(s). To do this, you will need to use The Force.
What Prototyping Tool Should I Use?
Interactive prototyping is not always the right deliverable for a design project. Check out this article about what prototyping tool is best for your needs.