Blog – Applications

Convenience or Complacence?

Cultivate client trust by considering the details that ensure them their product development and concerns have your full attention.

PHP Pop Quiz Answers

Okay, pencils down. Check out the answers and comprehensive explanations we’ve provided to the expressions given in the PHP Pop Quiz.

ORM Designer is a great tool

With ORM Designer you develop, design and document all at once. You don’t need other tools to design application model. Find our discussion here.

Software as an Ecosystem

Read our discussion on how an organization’s growth can be reflected in the software they use and how an analytical approach will can maximize strategy.

PHP Pop Quiz

Try out these mathematical expressions in PHP that don’t do what you think they might. Join the conversation and see what you think they might output.

PHP’s max_execution_time Different on Windows and Linux

On Windows, the PHP INI variable, “max_execution_time,” is the maximum clock time between when the PHP process starts and when it finishes. On Linux and OS X, the same variable represents the maximum CPU time that the PHP process can take.  CPU time is less than clock time because processes on Linux (and OS X)…

No Brown M&Ms

Triggers are useful tools a team of software engineers can pull out of their project toolbox. Read more about identifying project risks here.
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